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The Blue Spot Rabbitfish, scientifically known as Siganus corallinus, is a captivating and highly sought-after marine fish species that brings a touch of elegance and a burst of color to saltwater aquariums. With its distinct blue spots and graceful movements, the Blue Spot Rabbitfish is a true gem that will elevate the visual appeal of your underwater world.


The Blue Spot Rabbitfish showcases a striking coloration, featuring a pale body with eye-catching blue spots distributed across its body and dorsal fin. Their elegant and elongated body shape, coupled with the unique spot pattern, creates a visually captivating and dynamic display. Their inquisitive nature and gentle swimming behavior make them an engaging addition to both reef and fish-only aquariums.


These rabbitfish are known for their herbivorous diet and their important role in controlling algae growth within the aquarium. They graze on various forms of algae, helping to maintain a balanced and healthy ecosystem.


Caring for the Blue Spot Rabbitfish involves creating a stable environment with appropriate water parameters. They thrive in a marine environment with proper salinity, temperature, and pH levels. A well-established aquarium with ample hiding spots and live rock will contribute to their well-being. Their diet should consist of a variety of algae-based foods, high-quality marine pellets, and occasional plant matter.


Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 72-78°F
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.023-1.025


Please note that these are general guidelines, and for more accurate values, we encourage you to contact Living Aquarium by phone or in person. Our team of experts is always happy to provide personalized guidance and answer any questions you may have about the care of the Blue Spot Rabbitfish.

Blue Spot Rabbitfish

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