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The Adorned Wrasse, also known as the Red Head Solon Wrasse or Red-Headed Fairy Wrasse, is a colorful and active saltwater fish that is native to the Indo-Pacific region. These fish are highly sought after for their vibrant colors and active personality, and they make a great addition to a community aquarium


Adorned Wrasse require a moderate-sized tank of at least 50 gallons with plenty of swimming space and hiding places. They are relatively hardy and can adapt to a variety of water conditions, but they prefer a stable environment with consistent water parameters and a salinity level between 1.020-1.025.


The Adorned Wrasse can grow up to 4 inches in length and has a peaceful temperament, making it suitable for a community tank with other peaceful fish. They are generally not aggressive towards other fish or invertebrates, but may become territorial towards other Adorned Wrasse or similar-looking fish.


These fish are carnivores and require a varied diet of meaty foods such as shrimp, krill, and other seafood. They are active swimmers and enjoy hunting for their food. They may also feed on small crustaceans and other invertebrates.


The male Adorned Wrasse has a bright red head, a yellow-green body, and blue markings on the fins, while the female has a more muted coloration with a pinkish-red head and a gray-green body. The males may also display colorful courtship behavior during breeding.

Adorned Wrasse

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