The Allen's Damsel (Pomacentrus alleni) is a vibrant and hardy marine fish, perfect for beginner and experienced aquarists alike. Known for its stunning electric blue coloration, this species adds a splash of color to any marine aquarium.
Average Size: Reaches up to 2.5 inches (6 cm) in length.
Tank Size: Requires a minimum tank size of 20 gallons, though larger tanks are ideal for better water stability and compatibility with other species.
Temperament: Semi-aggressive, especially towards other damsels or smaller fish. Best kept with fish of similar temperament or larger tank mates.
Unique Traits: Features a brilliant blue body with a yellowish tint near the tail, making it one of the most visually striking damselfish. It’s also known for its hardiness and adaptability to various tank conditions.
Origin: Native to the Western Pacific, particularly around the Philippines and Indonesia.
Other Names: Also known as Allen’s Pomacentrus.
Care Level: Easy. Ideal for beginners due to its resilience and minimal care requirements.
Diet: Omnivorous. Feeds on a variety of foods, including flake food, frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and marine pellets. Occasional treats of live foods can also be offered.
Active swimmer and often seen darting around the tank.
Tends to establish a territory within the aquarium, which it will defend against intruders.
Best kept in well-established tanks with plenty of hiding spots among rocks and corals.
Can display increased aggression if kept in smaller tanks or with similar-looking species.
Water Parameters:
pH: 8.1-8.4
gH: 8-12
kH: 8-12
Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
Disclaimer: "Please note that these are general guidelines, and for more accurate values, we encourage you to contact Living Aquarium by phone or in person. Within store hours, our team of experts are always happy to answer any questions you may have and provide personalized guidance on care."