Bumble Bee Snails, also known as Engina mendicaria, are a species of marine snail that are commonly kept in saltwater aquariums. They are known for their unique appearance and their ability to feed on pests such as bristle worms, flatworms, and pyramid snails.
These snails have a distinctive banded pattern of black and yellow or orange stripes, resembling that of a bumble bee, hence their common name. They have a long, narrow shell with a pointed end, allowing them to easily access tight crevices in the aquarium.
Bumble Bee Snails are a popular choice for aquarists looking for an effective pest control solution, as they are known for their ability to hunt down and feed on a variety of unwanted invertebrates. They are also known for their hardiness and adaptability, making them suitable for a range of aquarium setups.
In terms of care, Bumble Bee Snails are relatively easy to maintain and require little attention. They are scavengers by nature, and will feed on a variety of organic matter in the aquarium, including leftover food and algae. They prefer a sand substrate and moderate water flow, as this allows them to effectively hunt for prey while still providing a stable and secure environment.
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