The Purple Zebra Hermit Crab, scientifically known as Calcinus laevimanus, is a visually striking and beneficial addition to marine aquariums. With its vivid coloration and unique behavior, the Purple Zebra Hermit Crab serves both aesthetic and functional roles, making it a popular choice among marine enthusiasts.
- Average Size: 1-2 inches
- Max Size: 2 inches
- Tank Size Required: 10 gallons or larger
Temperament: Known for its peaceful nature, the Purple Zebra Hermit Crab is a great addition to reef aquariums. It is primarily scavengers, helping to keep the tank clean by consuming detritus and algae.
Unique Traits: The Purple Zebra Hermit Crab is characterized by its vibrant purple coloration, adorned with distinctive zebra-like stripes on its legs and eyestalks. This visually appealing crab is also recognized for its active scavenging behavior, constantly foraging for food and suitable shells.
Origin: Native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the waters of Fiji, Tonga, and the Great Barrier Reef. It is commonly found in shallow coastal areas with sandy or rocky substrates.
Other Names:
- Zebra Hermit Crab
- Left-Handed Hermit Crab (due to the appearance of its larger left claw)
Care Level: Easy
Diet: The Purple Zebra Hermit Crab is an omnivore, feeding on algae, detritus, and leftover food. To supplement its diet, provide algae sheets, blanched vegetables, and specialized marine invertebrate food.
Characteristics and Looks: This hermit crab exhibits a vibrant purple color with contrasting zebra-like patterns on its legs and eyestalks. Its large, left-handed claw is a distinguishing feature. As it grows, it will need to find and switch into larger shells to accommodate its size.
Water Parameters:
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- gH (General Hardness): 8-12 dGH
- kH (Carbonate Hardness): 8-12 dKH
- TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): 32-45 ppm
- Temperature: 72-78°F
Disclaimer: "Please note that these are general guidelines, and for more accurate values, we encourage you to contact Living Aquarium by phone or in person. Within store hours, our team of experts is always happy to answer any questions you may have and provide personalized guidance on care."